What is Safe Routes to School?
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a national movement aiming to make it safer and more accessible for students to walk and bike safely to school. SRTS programs are designed to make school zones and streets within the vicinity of schools safer for our youth and most vulnerable road users. Schools, community members, local leaders, transportation and planning, and public health professionals are partnering to create and promote activities encouraging more students in grades K-12 to walk, bike, and roll to school.
The Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) supports these efforts, which align with the City of Atlanta’s Vision Zero goal of eliminating vehicle-related traffic and pedestrian deaths and serious injuries. ATLDOT is emphasizing SRTS programming within identified Communities of Concern, or equity priority areas traditionally lacking in transportation investments and overrepresented in pedestrian and bicyclist injuries. SRTS programs focus on a “Six E’s” framework: Evaluation, Education, Encouragement, Engineering, Engagement, and Equity.
If your school or community is interested in Safe Routes to School planning assistance, please follow the links to the right for additional information to get started, and contact our team for additional support at mobility@AtlantaGa.Gov.