The Streets Atlanta Design Manual was adopted as an appendix of Atlanta’s Transportation Plan through City Council Legislation 18-O-1709. The design manual provides standards and guidance on project development, community engagement, street networks, street design, intersection design, pedestrian facilities, bikeway design, transit accommodations, traffic calming, and green infrastructure.
The Multimodal Streets Policy was created after the adoption of City Council Legislation 18-O-1709, but prior to the formation of Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT). It adopts American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), and other guides as the Design Standards for all projects in the City of Atlanta.
The Public Right-of-Way Manual is intended to serve as a reference to anyone needing general information regarding activities conducted under a permit, franchise agreement, or special agreement within the City’s public right-of-way of the City of Atlanta. This manual is in its second edition and will be updated as necessary. It attempts to address typical issues and frequently asked questions. It does not include a discussion or information concerning every issue that may arise regarding the City’s public right-of-way.
The details for working in the City of Atlanta's public right-of-way, outlined in this document, must be followed for all permitted work.
For individual PDF sheets and associated CAD files - click here
The ATLDOT Utility Manual was finalized and accepted in March 2022. It is modeled after GDOT’s Utility Accommodation Policy and Standards Manual and adopts many of the same requirements. The purpose of the manual is to establish consistent policies and standards for accommodating utility facilities within the City’s right-of-way
ATLDOT CADD Cell Library
ATLDOT design staff maintain a cell library for use in MicroStation, which contains to-scale, accurate representation of various Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and custom signs, pavement marking symbols, and traffic control delineators that are not contained or revised from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) cell libraries. For example, the City-standard "No Parking" sign. To request a copy of the latest cell library contact with “ATLDOT CADD Cell Library” in the email subject line.
ATLDOT Street Name Signs
Standard Overhead Street Name Sign
Standard Pole Mounted Street Name Sign
ATLDOT Street Lights
Streetlight Checklist and Details
ATLDOT GIS and Asset Management Resources
ATLDOT maintains a database of the following resources for consultants’ use. Request this information from your project manager.
Other GIS data that may be of interest to designers and consultants that are maintained by other City Departments:
ATLDOT Traffic Data
ATLDOT has a subscription to StreetLight Data Insight Platform. Request access via this form:
StreetLight Data Insight Platform - Consultant Access Request Form
City Code
Chapter 138 of the City of Atlanta Municipal Code provides additional general requirements for design and construction work in the public right-of-way.
National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) / Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI) Design Manuals
Legislation 18-O-1709 and subsequent Multimodal Streets Policy adopts NACTO’s Urban Street Design Guide, Urban Bikeway Design Guide, Transit Street Design Guide, and Global Street Design Guide, as Design Standards for use in the City of Atlanta.
For NACTO's Urban Street Design Guide Click here
Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Standard Details
Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Design Manuals
Comments and Questions
To request a new standard detail, or provide comments or request clarification on any of the design guidance above contact with “Design Resources” in the email subject line.