Transportation Infrastructure Management
Atlanta Department of Transportation’s Office of Transportation Infrastructure Management (TIM) is responsible for maintaining and operating the City of Atlanta’s multi-modal transportation system for residents, commuters, and visitors. Learn more

Traffic Signals
The City of Atlanta Street Light Shop and Transportation Communication Center (TCC), both a part of the Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT), manage all issues related to flashing signals.

Street lights on metal poles and decorative street lamps in some instances belong to the City. Street lights on wood poles belong to Georgia Power. Residents may report outages or other street light concerns related to City owned street lights to ATL311.

Signs and Markings
Atlanta Department of Transportation’s Office of Transportation Infrastructure & Management (TIM) maintains roughly 100,000 traffic and street name signs and installs new signs to accommodate changes in traffic operations as needed.

Right of Way
We issue various permits for working in or blocking the public right-of-way. Examples of such work may include installing or making repairs to a driveway apron or sidewalk; building a structure that requires a driveway apron; or tapping into an existing sewer/sanitary line.

Traffic Studies
Traffic Studies include site assessments, crash histories, and 24-hour volume or peak-hour turning movement counts. This process can be lengthy due to work required and volume of requests.
Strategy & Planning
Atlanta Department of Transportation’s Office of Strategy and Planning is responsible for increasing the City of Atlanta’s transportation options, increasing transportation safety, and building high-quality pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Learn more

Tactical Urbanism
Tactical urbanism is a low-cost, short-term approach designed to change the overall use and feel of streets and public spaces. These small-scale projects are often used to advance longer-term goals related to street safety and the design of public spaces.

Bikes and Scooters
Dockless bikes and scooters provide an alternative, flexible transportation choice for Atlanta residents and visitors to get around the city.

Parking Services
Parking is a key component of Atlanta's transportation system and plays a critical role in providing access to the places people want to go as all vehicular commutes begin and end with the need for parking.